Warning, this event was expired!
This Tournament is the 3rd stop for the North Texas Kayak Catfish Series. You must become a member of PKA here on the FishingChaos App as an Elite Angler ($30) before registering for this tournament. This membership level allows you to compete in all online and in person tournament. All PKA rules apply.
Entry fees are $60 with an optional big fish side pot $20. Tournament will be scored based on your 3 longest fish.
Meet up / Captain’s meeting will be 4/12/24 at 6pm. The meeting will take place at TBD. Make sure that you bring your measuring board with you in order for it to be checked. Board checks will be from 6-630pm with the captain’s meeting starting at 630pm. You will receive the identifier for the event as well as a token. The token is to be returned at the end of the event.
The morning of the tournament you may launch from any publicly accessible location on the lake. Boundaries will be the main body of water for Cedar Creek Reservoir as well as 1 mile upstream via navigable waters. Lines in will be 7AM. Lines out will be 3PM.
We will have a meet up / check in after the tournament at 4PM. You must return your token at the end of the tournament for your points to count towards the AOY standings. Our check-in will be held at TBD. You must be at the check-in location by 4PM.
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