Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman
Pete Holtzman

Pete Holtzman Claimed

Selling The American Dream

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Pete Holtzman 1 Capture

After 43 years at BNSF railroad I retired. Not wanting to sit around doing nothing I got my Realtors license. My goal is to help people find their new home. I was married for 35 years and we had 2 children. We lived in Colorado until 2006 when we moved to Texas. I have grown to love my adopted state. I now reside in Payne Springs and love the area.

Pete Holtzman 2 300760220 770275484039156 6343276484345024350 n 1 1


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