Cedar Creek Lake

Welcome to Cedar Creek Lake Online – Your most complete, up-to-date local business listing directory for all your Lake-Life needs that Texas has to offer!

Discover Cedar Creek Lake

Discover some of the finest local businesses Texas has to offer in Gun Barrel City, Mabank, Seven Points, Kemp, Malakoff, Trinidad, and Tool. Shop the elegant boutiques and salons on historic Mabank Market Street or Gun Barrel City’s famed W Haus Decor. Sample world-famous home-brewed beers and more at the Cedar Creek Brewery in Seven Points. Or fly in to the Gun Barrel City Airpark and cross the bridge for a juicy burger at Vernon’s Lakeside!

Best of Cedar Creek Lake

Our hand-picked list of featured businesses and locations you don’t want to miss at Cedar Creek Lake. 

Latest Listings on Cedar Creek Lake

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Explore All Cedar Creek Lake

Discover what Cedar Creek Lake offers from must-see attractions to the top shopping and service providers.

Things to Do at Cedar Creek Lake

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