Owning a lake area home is a dream-come-true for more and more families every day thanks in part to our March, 2020 LakeLeader of the Month, LeaderOne Financial, a dedicated mortgage banking services company.

Cedar Creek Lake
It’s often been said that Cedar Creek Lake is the gateway to East Texas outdoor recreation. The lake, built in the 1960’s by the Army Corps of Engineers, is a constant level lake and supports hundreds of lakefront and nearby area homes whose owners enjoy the benefits of full-time and weekend lakeside living.

Lake life is an abundant life on Cedar Creek Lake. Fishing, boating, outdoor recreation. There’s truly something for everyone year round. And, the allure of the Cedar Creek lake area is its proximity to DFW, only an hour and a half drive away. And with the growth of the area’s small community towns of Gun Barrel City, Mabank, Malakoff, Kemp and Seven Points, full-timers and weekenders alike have so many options for shopping, dining and great things to do! And, the work LeaderOne Financial does to support new and refinanced homeowners is invaluable for our growing lake area communities.
LeaderOne Financial Corporation

This dynamic mother and daughter duo bring their lake area clients the perfect mix of education, product knowledge and generations of mortgage expertise. Their seamless process will make the home buying or refinance process less complicated. Terri repeats daily –
“Delivering our clients a World Class mortgage experience on time and on budget EVERYTIME is our service standard.”

Terri, a graduate of Baylor University with a BBA in accounting, has been in the real estate and mortgage lending business for over 30 years. To date, she has helped over 3000 clients with their mortgages on personal homes, second homes and investment properties. Her accounting background gives her an additional layer of expertise with complicated tax returns for self-employed borrowers. When not working to deliver the perfect mortgage experience for her clients, Terri enjoys yoga, showing world class performance horses and playing in the handbell choir at her church. She is a multiple World Champion equestrian and an active member of the First Christian Church of Rockwall for nearly 30 years. Professionally, she has been a recognized top producer in the industry for several decades.

She has also been featured in Texas Monthly magazine as one of the Five Star Mortgage Professionals in the State of Texas.
Sidney graduated from Hardin Simmons University where she played collegiate basketball. After completing her education, she decided to follow in her Mother and Grandmother’s footsteps and pursue a career in the mortgage industry. After many years of hard work and dedication, she is a powerful part of the team with an in-depth knowledge of specialty programs and credit restoration. Sidney brings an immense amount of charisma and energy to the team and works tenaciously to help our clients start the process and overcome any hurdles or concerns quickly and efficiently. Her upfront work sets the stage for a seamless process for all our borrowers. As a third- generation mortgage banker, she knows what it takes to provide a superior client experience.

Sidney has a true passion for animals and when she is not helping the team provide an exceptional mortgage experience, she likes spending time with Chief – her Great Dane. He is a licensed therapy canine registered with the Love On A Leash organization. Chief and Sidney visit the local libraries where children read to Chief in a “judgement free zone”. They also visit local nursing homes for therapy with dementia patients.

Sidney’s other passion
is showing horses and she is a third- generation equestrian with over 15 World
Titles. She has been involved in the horse industry her entire life and has
been blessed with many awards and friendships over the years.
As a lifelong member
of the First Christian Church in Rockwall, Sidney is active in the bell choir
as well.
Our Mission Statement
We are a progressive team of mortgage professionals dedicated to providing our clients a world class mortgage experience on time and on budget EVERYTIME.
You can find out more about our LakeLeader of the Month here! https://cedarcreeklake.online/listing/premium-businesses/texas/leaderone-financial-corporation/