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The Log Cabin Parks Committee has been hard at work organizing this year’s Halloween Festival! This annual event is open to the public and FREE. Full of games, activities, and prizes, the festival provides a family friendly Halloween thrill! In addition to the costume contest, there will be an Adopt-A-Booth contest and Yard Decorating contest.
For the Adopt-A-Booth contest, participants will decorate and man their own activity booth at the festival! For those that don’t want to decorate, but would like to still participate, they can volunteer to man a booth provided by the Committee. Prizes will be award to the top three booths. Candy will be furnished by the Committee to hand out.
There will be a hayride to tour the city to look at decorated yards! Prizes will be given to the yard voted as the best decorated!
If you would like to enter either or both contests, please call 903-489-2195 or email parks@logcabin.texas.gov.
Donations for candy, cake, and prizes are greatly appreciated and can be delivered to City Hall Monday – Thursday, 8am to 12pm or 1pm to 5pm.
We hope to see everyone there!!
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