Warning, this event was expired!
Friends of the Park is hosting a Walk-A-Thon to raise funds for the newly appointed GBC Parks Board to have a little kickstarter money for their volunteer efforts. 100% of the monies raised will benefit the GBC Parks Board. Each Participant has a minimum of $20 to raise, this can be raised by asking for donations, committing to X number of laps on the 1/2 mile walking trail and collecting that money per lap, or self-contribution. Each participant should PRE REGISTER at https://gbcfriendsofthepark.eventbrite.com This is for registration purposes only, we will need an accurate headcount prior to starting, funds raised will be turned in during your registration, OR by Venmo.
Check-In: 1:00 PM – at the GBC Amphitheater – bring with you, All Donations Collected. You will receive your entry number. All funds must be turned in prior to 2:00 PM to be counted towards the prizes! Minimum participation fee: $20
Start Walking: 2:00 PM – on the walking trail, one direction.
Walk Ends: 4:00 PM
Awards: 4:30 PM – Amphitheater
Walk-A-Thon Contributions Made By:
Check: Payable to Gun Barrel City Memo: Parks Board
Venmo: @Laura-LozierYoung
Cash: Turned in at Registration Table on May 21st
Most Money Raised – Adult Age: 16 + (Prize TBD, value: $100+)
Most Money Raised – Child Ages: 1 – 15 years old (Prize: Gift Basket with Variety of Items, Valued at $75, sponsored by Mistletoe Mania)
Most Laps Completed – Adult Age: 16 + (Prize TBD, value $75+)
Most Laps Completed – Child Ages: 1 -15 (Prize: Gift Basket with Variety of Items, Valued at $50, sponsored by Mistletoe Mania)
Come walk with us, and be part of the positive change in GBC
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